We’ve written to councillors about the failure to consider walking and cycling on the five massive new junctions planned for the A264.
Why A264 Junctions Need an Urgent Rethink
Letter -A264 Junctions Urgent Rethink for Walking and Cycling-1
Horsham District Cycling Forum
Making cycling safe and convenient for all
We’ve written to councillors about the failure to consider walking and cycling on the five massive new junctions planned for the A264.
Why A264 Junctions Need an Urgent Rethink
Letter -A264 Junctions Urgent Rethink for Walking and Cycling-1
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from WSCC’s cabinet Highways member (Pieter Montyn):
“Dear Mr Croker
Re: Sustainable transport crossings on A264 in Horsham
Thank you for your email regarding plans for cycle infrastructure alongside new development in the Horsham area.
The County Council, as the local transport authority (LTA), are a statutory consultee in the planning process and provide advice to Horsham District Council (HDC) as the local planning authority. In doing so, the County Council must have regard to the West Sussex Transport Plan 2011-2026 and the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and National Planning Practice Guidance on issues such as transport. Ultimately, planning decisions will be made by HDC which will assess whether proposals conform to all relevant planning policies.
As development proposals come forward, the County Council will engage in pre-application discussions with developers as they prepare a transport assessment to accompany their planning application. I am aware that the Horsham Cycle Forum has recently expressed concerns about Land North of Horsham (LNH) which is a proposed site allocation in the Horsham District Planning Framework. The developers are expected to begin pre-application discussions with the County Council shortly.
As a transport assessment is prepared for LNH by the promoters of the scheme, detailed plans will be prepared for the development and associated infrastructure. This will include a comprehensive sustainable transport package which takes account of the needs of all users of the transport system. To minimise severance issues caused by the A264, a key consideration for the County Council, as the LTA, will be the design of improvements to the junctions on A264, crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and connections to the town centre. At this stage, no final decisions have been made about scheme designs as they will be discussed with the developer at the pre-application stage. Final decisions about such matters will be made by HDC as the local planning authority.
I hope this information is helpful.
Pieter Montyn Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport”
So that’s all right then?
from the Horsham District Planning Framework:
Draft Policy 14
The strategic site shall be provided as follows:
a) The land to the north of Horsham as shown on the plan in Appendix 2 shall be allocated for a comprehensive strategic mixed use development,
b) The development shall be locally distinctive and unique through it’s architecture, urban design and landscape design, and
c) The area shall have a legible layout that facilitates all modes of transport both within the areas and provides linkages to the existing urban area of Horsham beyond”
Yeh, right 🙁